Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Messing around...

Taking pictures of photographers is hard.
We're attuned to the sound of a shutter, always alert when a lens is pointed our direction... unless its 8am in my Intermediate Photography class, at which point nobody has a clue and I am free to photograph whoever I choose.

While the rest of the class was shooting this (commercial demo):
I was shooting this:

to keep my eyes open, and because I honestly don't find coffee that interesting. Though perhaps some coffee would have woken me up.
A fair amount of tweaking went into this image... mainly because I am bored with the same-old same-old feel that most of my photography has taken on recently. Getting something new and good seems to become more and more difficult as time goes on.
Something in my life has to change... and I'm guessing the culprit is my ego. I take myself too seriously as a student and as a photographer... and basically in general. I'm going to work on switching things up, being a little more goofy, perhaps a bit less responsible... I think that when I've achieved that my photography will improve, mainly because I'll be having more fun!

That's settled then. I'm going to have more fun.
Likely easier said than done, but I'm going to give it my best effort :-)
Why don't you give it a try as well? You know you take yourself too seriously sometimes, so give your ego a rest and try something new, something silly, something that boring-old-you wouldn't usually try. The more fun you have, the more you win (unfortunately, lacking sponsorship from anything or anyone, I am unable to give out physical prizes of any kind).