Friday, September 4, 2009

Contracts Revised!

I had a quick discussion today with both my boss, and the photographer who had my position last year. They both confirmed that it was the original intent of the university to be able to publish my images as they saw fit, so it appears the mistake was mine in not understanding that!

In the end, I get to use my images for whatever purposes I like, and NAU can do the same. This works out just fine for me, as long as I get a photo credit when I'm run anywhere special (like the AZ Daily Sun).

I spent some time today up in the catwalks in the Walkup Skydome, playing with the Alienbees and Pocketwizards that will allow me to take pictures at something around 400 ISO, rather than the 2500 that I need when shooting available light.
Other than the fact that I have to go up into the catwalks before every game, and that the strobes are currently set up for basketball and setting them up for football will take me 2 or 3 hours... I'm quite happy with everything :-).

I'll get to put the strobes to the test for the first time tomorrow with a team shot of the entire football team. I'll be using 2 of the 4 alienbees from across the dome. Should be interesting to see what I can get. After that shoot I'll likely spend some time moving the all the strobes to the appropriate places.

That's all for now! My Aperture 2 upgrade should arrive tomorrow, at which point I can edit the VERY morbid/awesome shot I did tonight. I'm psyched!