These days, after reading the stuff that David DuChemin comes out with, I care less and less about the camera, and more and more about the pictures.
Which explains why I laughed out loud at the video Chase Jarvis made while he and his staff tested the D90 before it came out.
Nikon's goal: Sell cameras.
Nikon's method: Get a professional to use the camera and make amazing photographs.
The effect: A bunch of amateurs see the video that Jarvis made and think "Oh wow! This camera is so advanced that if I buy it, I will be able to make pictures like him!"
In truth, I am pretty sure if someone handed Mr. Jarvis a disposable camera covered in mud, he could still make amazing pictures with it.
Likewise, if a bunch of rich and untalented amateurs get ahold of the D90, they will still take a bunch of crappy pictures.
The video is an almost-well-disguised but still unabashed promo for Nikon. The D90 is likely a great camera, but it still takes a photographer to know how to use it.
On a totally unrelated note, I went out around campus yesterday with a new photographer friend and shot a few pictures (76).
I got around 11 good ones, so they will be the pictures coming up throughout this week.
Desktop background anyone?