Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday Linkage...

It has been a while.

Now that I am back working for The Lumberjack (NAU's weekly student newspaper), I am going to resume my Thursday link post where I point you to photos I have had published.

The website is under new (less experienced) management, and is thus having some issues... but here are the 2 shots I'm getting paid for [LINK] and [LINK]

and the 2 shots I'm not getting paid for apparently didn't make it to the website... but my editor chose them from a set I submitted of images I shot over the summer and they printed in black and white in the physical paper.

I learned today that Black Rapid has shipped the RS-5 strap I won by participating in their online contest, so I'll be sure to write a bit of a review about it when I get it!

Shooting girls soccer in the evening tomorrow... It should be a great opportunity to give my monopod a workout.

(photo copyright David duChemin)
Also, I purchased David duChemin's new e-book today and gave it a quick once over. As usual, he has a lot to say and it is (unlike some photo books) very much worth reading (as opposed to looking at for just the pretty pictures). The image links to his blog post where you can see why he wrote it and get the link to LuLu to buy it. The quick once-over I gave it was nowhere near enough, so like his other book Within the Frame, I'm going to read it a few times.

That's what I got for now!