My usual model here at NAU is Sarah Dresser. She is up for pretty much anything, which is good because my ideas are often a little crazy.
My assignment for my BW photo class was to show Depth Of Field. Take the same picture twice, one w/ high DOF and one w/ low. This assignment is pretty much standard for any photo class.
I used my digital camera to get the ideas and exposures about where I wanted them, only switching to film when I knew pretty much what things were going to look like.
The images below are digital, as I haven't had time to develop the film yet.

Serious props to Sarah for braving the cold (25 degrees + wind) to make pictures with me. Pretty much every time after we shoot she has to wash whatever clothes she had on because she was splashing in puddles or laying in the dirt. Yet, she still shows up pretty much every time I ask!