Thursday, April 16, 2015

Exploding Kittens #KittenConsul Party!

Had a great time last night hosting the only Exploding Kittens Play-Testing party in Arizona! Thanks to The Framing Department for hosting us and to Exploding Kittens for allowing us to play and provide feedback!

Reading the rules

Dealing the cards

More reading the rules

First game: open hands so we can all learn!

Second game: now it's for real.

Having a great time!

Give me one of your cards!

Good choice

Winner of Competitive Play Game #1(She won a test deck to keep!)

Winner of Competitive Play Game #2 (She won a test deck to keep!)

BIG Game (final competitive game)

We... Can't... Reach....

Winner of Competitive Play Game #3 (She won a SECOND test deck to keep!)