Monday, February 27, 2012


Adventuabry: Adventure February


Anyway. I've been on a lot of fun adventures in the last week or so. I was getting super antsy and all cabin-fever-y. I went on a hike on my own and shot a few landscapes and some abstract-y ice formations:

Self Portrait at ~40˚

I also adventured with my buddy Preston on several occasions to a new high-line setup out by Lake Mary. The line was ~80 feet across, and as tall as 80 feet high.

Brandon on the line

Tribal setup!

Garrett killin' it

Kristen warming her toes at 29˚

While the sun set, I had the Einstein up on top of Tower one, something like 1/2 power at the talent on the line. After the sun set all the way and we lit the fires, the flash didn't do anybody any good, so I shut it off and used natural light. ISO 6400, F/3.5, 1/30 sec. 

I also joined thevisualCollective for their second monthly photowalk.


daily affirmations

taylor mahoney some random dude sleeping under a bench...


jared rockin' the adventure pipe

Andy teaching lensbaby

Andy teaching about the lensbaby

That's all for now! Hopefully more adventures to come as tvC prepares for Death Valley!