-I stand corrected. An old band-profile shot ran in the A&E section-
Since I stopped getting paid the $10 per picture (in favor of a $500 tuition waiver for being an editor) I have not been nearly as motivated to shoot. Sure, it's only $10, but it is still incentive to shoot, and shoot good stuff. I would prefer the $10 per picture AND the tuition waiver... but I don't think that's gonna happen.
On the bright side, I'm going to shoot a huge pillow fight on Saturday somewhere in Flagstaff. That should be quite interesting. There are also a bunch of diversity events coming up in the next two weeks that should be entertaining, if not photographically dynamic.
Here's a fun shot I did yesterday. Got the concept down on digital, shot it again on BW film.

I dropped the ambient exposure 1.3 stops and had the model hold my awesome flashlight (with a paper diffuser) with her other hand. Cha Ching!