It was very peaceful, and definitely beautiful. The moon was setting/rising right as dawn came over Flagstaff.
On a more photographic note: my first shoot for the paper on film is today. I expect to run just one roll of film on the event and see how it goes. I do not expect the story to run with a picture, so it will act as a practice shoot, hopefully not a very big deal if I totally mess it up (which I won't do).
I shot this image a couple days ago of my girlfriend. It took some persuasion to get her comfortable with my photographing her, and I still only got a couple good shots. The show below is one that I like very much, mainly because there was very little manipulation. I took a big dodge tool and knocked some light out of the background and I brought up the contrast on the image. I (of course) made a few more versions of the photo while I was in photoshop, but this is the one I like best, even though you can see the backdrop is my bedroom, and she is sitting on my bed... The image speaks to me. The other versions (along with a few other photos) can be found in my facebook albums HERE

(this was one of the last shots my D300 made before it fell. I am still waiting on Nikon to hear the assessment and estimate)