The shot of the day is from shoot #2:

We had perfect light, the wind was blowing in the right direction, all my gear worked, and I finally got a reflector! I took an old Blackjack pizza box from the recycle, taped a wooden dowel to it, and grabbed some really shiny gold wrapping paper and taped it on shiny-side-out. The result is a fantastic (albeit ghetto-fabulous) reflector. It provided the right quality and just the right amount of light to fill in the shadows from a little different angle than my flash, which I was using as a fill against the sunlight. I also tried a new strap system for my camera, and to my immense delight it worked wonderfully! I will put up some pictures later showing the setup I used, but it is based off of the "BlackRapid R-Strap" [link] that photographer David DuChemin has been ranting and raving about. Of course, it cost me all of $1.35, whereas the R-straps go for $44, so it needs a little improving here and there, but I think I can handle it.
I'm packing and running errands all day, leaving tomorrow!