I have had this blog for less than 1 year, and I've managed to do 200 posts!
I've been off the shutter and off the computer a surprising amount recently, but I managed to get ahold of an old friend of mine from my early years in highschool. She is a semi-professional model and we had a blast together out in a field near my house.

First, the weather screwed me. It has been cloudy and stormy for the last 10 days, and I was counting on that continuing yesterday. All was well until about 2:00 when the sun appeared (uninvited) and crashed my party. Our shoot was scheduled for 3:00, so we went out anyway and got some decent shots, but not the ones I was hoping to get.

Roni did a fabulous job though. I'm told it was her first time working with a prop and she handled it very well. The broadsword is just over 3.5' long and it weighs a pretty penny.
This is the first of what I hope will be many series with Roni as my subject.
On a totally different note, I had a blast with everyone who showed up yesterday at the Chase Jarvis Social in downtown Boulder. It was great to meet Chase, Scott, and Mikal all of whom were lots of fun to talk to and hang out with for a couple hours at the West End Tavern. I look forward to my trip up to Seattle later this summer to see what its like up on the West Coast. Hopefully I'll get to see their studio and meet the rest of the staff, but I'm not counting on it.
For everyone who follows Chase's blog, I talked with him last night about the lack of his recent commercial work. He said it was due to a bunch of things, but that he has a LOT of great content coming (like guest blogs from the rest of his staff and more behind the scenes videos). I look forward to seeing that. In the meantime, I'll work on generating content here on a more regular basis.
Thank you, to all my readers. I have no reason to do this without you, and your comments are always appreciated!